Management Training Courses in London

 The success of any business can always be traced back to management. Whether a start-up, a medium-sized operation or a global business, great management is essential to productivity, efficiency and staff morale.

At iManage, we provide a range of management training courses in London to cater to all levels of knowledge and experience. Whether you’re looking to upskill existing employees into management roles, or you have members of staff already in a management position who want a refresher on management best practices, our courses are the perfect solution.

 We work with leaders at all stages of their careers, from those taking their first steps into a management role to seasoned managers looking to improve their skillset and even Directors who want to better understand how to get the most from their teams.

Our London-based management courses cater to a host of different requirements and experience levels so you can build on existing skills and learn more in the process. We teach the foundational skills to being a great leader, as well as the more specific elements of management that can be tailored to your business operations and industry.

Interested in booking a management course? Get in touch with our knowledgeable team today.


Remote management training in London

As more businesses accommodate remote working and move away from a centralised location, managers need to know how to maintain communication and productivity irrespective of location.

Our remote management training courses help businesses in London transition to this way of working. We teach methodologies to help leaders build strong team dynamics, retain consistent feedback and maintain efficient workflows.

Hybrid management training courses London

Hybrid working is important for so many businesses today, but it can sometimes be a challenge for managers to adapt to this way of working. Managing teams in multiple locations, both from remote locations and the business’ central office, can be tough.

But with our hybrid management training courses, managers in London can learn the skills needed to get the most out of their team for increased efficiency, better communication and cohesive working relationships for all.

What do our courses include?

 At iManage, we take an innovative approach to management training, teaching management theory and best practices alongside real-world examples so you can apply what you learn to your day-to-day work.

We tailor our programmes to the specific targets and objectives of each client, using an ADAD (Awareness, Desire, Ability, Duplication) model for an engaging and highly effective way of learning. Our unique training programmes help to inspire leaders to transform them into confident managers.

Our management training courses cover a broad range of topics, including:

  • The foundational skills required to be a great manager
  • How to adapt to change in your organisation
  • Managing performance within teams and how to get the most from individuals
  • How to coach your team
  • Interviewing techniques to help you select the right candidates for each role

Our training is always based on the latest thinking and tried-and-tested techniques. We offer a range of delivery methods for our courses to suit your requirements, from in-person training in London to virtual classrooms and eLearning options for remote learners.

Why choose iManage?

 We have over 20 years’ experience in management training and it’s something we’re incredibly passionate about. Many of our clients have worked with us for many years, returning with new teams and employees as their businesses grow. In addition to working with clients in London and the surrounding area, we also work with businesses across the rest of the country to help them prepare their leaders for success.

Contact Us

Great training starts with a conversation. Contact us today to find out how we can help you Change Your People For Good.

Contact Us - London

iManage Performance Ltd

7 Parkview Mansions, Highgate High Street, London N6 5JJ, United Kingdom

All Management Training Courses in London Courses