Hybrid working, the new remote working! 

As we start to rise again from the ‘covid remote working experiment’ it seems more and more likely that the world of work has changed and will never be the same again.  Many web surveys and our client discussions testify to the fact that the majority do not want to return to the one-hundred percent office based model.

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What would happen if you had the super power of self control?

I’ve recently been giving my attention to self control, or maybe the occasional lack of it in my life!  I guess I’ve always seen myself as somewhat impulsive, being quick to act and do.  I’m pretty comfortable with that most of the time, in fact I think it’s been a useful characteristic for making things happen and generating constant progress in my life and business.

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Remote worker, are you an integrator or a segmentor?

Effective remote management phase 2 series. Long before the pandemic threw the whole world into remote working, it was generally considered that those who preferred to work remotely had a very specific characteristic that was not shared with people preferring a hub based office working style.

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The cost of not giving yourself a chance!

I wonder how much you value certainty? For many people this is a very strong value, it seems possible that most people are certainty driven. It’s like a built in survival instinct, uncertainty equals danger, risk, fear and so people chase after certainty because it means that they are in control.

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Oxygen masks first – Twelve ideas for remote management self care.

As we move forward, it’s evident that we are entering a new phase of remote working.  Almost everyone we speak to is expecting the world of work to have permanently changed as a result of the (forced) experiment of the past year.  In short, we are in this remote working thing for the long term, which means that everyone needs to stop and recalibrate what’s working for them and importantly what’s not!   In our effective remote management phase 2 series, as are focusing on a number of new areas that managers need to stay abreast of.

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What does it mean to be resilient?

Psychologists define resilience as the process of adapting well in the face of adversity, trauma, tragedy, threats, or significant sources of stress. In a recent episode of our podcast, Squeeze, we focused on Lucy Hone; an expert in resilience. Her Ted Talk on this topic is well worth a watch.

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How to Conduct a Video Interview

Video interviews have become a necessity for businesses due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the realities of lockdown and social distancing. Companies are still having to hire staff and continue moving onwards, and with in-person interviews being an unnecessary risk, interviews are more easily carried out remote using video calling software.

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The Most Important Lesson Ever About Managing Remote Workers

Remote working has been growing in popularity for many years. It’s easy to understand why; it’s extremely popular with staff (some surveys have suggested that as many as 51% of on-site workers would like the opportunity to work remotely) and it can have a wide range benefits and advantages for employers, including reducing costs and increasing productivity.

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Get the most out of your Webcam

Whether you love it or hate it, video conferencing is the new normal, and it’s here to stay. For team meetings and catch-ups we can be content to use our in built webcams, but what about important presentations, sales meetings, or coaching sessions? There are times when we want to make a little more of an impression, and in this blog I will outline a few simple techniques and principals to help you add a touch of class to your zoom-pearance… (that’s zoom and appearance stapled together!), and get the most out of your webcam.

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