Time for adjustments to the new normal?  

This week the UK Prime-minister has hinted that the current restrictions are likely to be in place for a further 6 months.  Many organisations are suggesting that they are unlikely to return to the same ways of working post covid, so there is definitely a new normal.

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Distance Leadership 

Just these two words together should raise the alarm bells!  What good leader ever distances themselves from their followers?  To lead people, we need to be visible, present and accessible.  So even the idea of distance leadership feels uncomfortable when we look at the typical recommendations for physically present leaders.

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Becoming an Intrapreneur

Many organisations are exploring what it might be to have staff that behave like entrepreneurs.  Some are calling this Intrapreneurship.  It is a topic that feels more at home in corporates, now so many of us are remote working, literally from home!  This may be due to the ‘lone worker’ stereotype of the entrepreneur setting out on their own.

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Managing stress: Returning to a post COVID workplace

With the continued slow progression toward normality, many of us are now returning to a post COVID workplace. Some people feel excited to return to comfortable routines, others are tentative about the prospect, others still are downright fearful. And COVID related health concerns are not the only stressor at work.

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The Innovation Factor

Innovation is the action or process of imagining a new method, idea, product, etc.  It is not invention, which is the act of taking that imagined idea and progressing it into reality.  Both are super valuable in todays organisations, but without the former, the later won’t exist.

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How to influence when working remotely

We have a number of clients who are asking how influencing skills change when working remotely.  Often times it’s been connected to customer relationship management, or procurement, buyer / seller negotiations.  The topic however is useful for us all to consider in this new post covid world.

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Give me what I want!

Here’s a very quick blog that has massive potential.  I want to suggest that there are three things that every person wants from others.  If we know what they are, then we can become super expert at winning over others and building strong lasting powerful relationships.

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What makes a great learner? 

Having operated in this learning and development space for the past two decades, I’ve amassed a significant tally of trainees, that have as it were learnt under my wing.  A very rough estimate puts it at around 7000 people.  In that time I’ve probably seen everything a trainer might expect to come across in a life time!  Truly the good the bad and the metaphorical ugly!  As a learner it might be very easy to blame the teacher for a poor learning experience, perhaps justifiably in some cases, but without doubt the mindset of the learner will make an enormous impact on the value of the intervention.

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