How to approach interviewing people remotely.  

The interviewers guide.  Doing a good job of interviewing is harder than we might first imagine.  There are loads of things that we can get wrong, so getting some good training on this topic is a must for any recruiter.  For this blog, I’m going to assume you know what you are doing normally, and just focus on the key things that are different when holding that interview remotely.

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How do I come across well in a remote interview?  

The interviewees guide. It’s already a part of work life; holding and or attending interviews remotely happens regularly.  In this first of two parts on the subject we are going to take a look at the question from the interviewees perspective.  Next time we can deal with the interviewers viewpoint.

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Becoming the person I want to be! 

Is there a part of you that doesn’t yet fulfil the personal aspiration that you might have for yourself?  I suspect there will be something where you feel you’ve not regularly attained the standard that you would like to live out.  It could be any number of things that leave you feeling short of the desired mark, but I’m here to suggest to you that it’s high likely that you can enable the change and become that person that you want to be.

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Is now the time to give things away?

Perhaps the current Covid crisis has shown both the best and the worst of humanity.  We have all witnessed and even taken part in the extremities of human behaviour ranging from the utterly selfish (the toilet roll grabbing), to the utterly sacrificial (putting oneself in danger for the benefit of others).

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Making Meetings Matter

It’s about time we started to make meetings matter a little more.  I’ve recently had several people tell me that they are expected to be in meetings nearly all day long (both physical and virtual meetings) and they have not time to get the real job done!  That cannot be sensible! Improving this is so simple, it just takes a little common sense and the guts to challenge the status quo.

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Supporting teams facing pressure and uncertainty

The clue to this blog is in the title, when people are facing pressure and uncertainty they need bosses and organisations that will support them!   A key to this ‘support’ is to create what we like to call a ‘comfortable community’.  This is one of our 4 C’s of high functioning teams, we’ve have posted on this topic before, you can read it here.

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Who goals, not do goals!

Ever wondered why really great leaders seem to do the right things?  The answer is simple, it’s not that they have great ‘do’ goals, it’s that they operate within predetermined ‘who’ goals.  When you know who you are, then you instinctively now what you must do.

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