The road to coaching | Part 1: The first hurdle

To learn and progress often means to have ones presuppositions exposed and challenged. Although I expected this, i’m not sure I anticipated such a challenge so early in my journey to coaching. The first hurdle I must clear is the concept summarised in this extract from Coaching For Performance:  “That our beliefs about the capability of others have a direct impact on their performance has been adequately demonstrated in a number of experiments from the field of education.

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The old ways are the best ways! 

I’ve recently had the privilege of revisiting some tools and techniques that I first learnt way back in the 1980’s working for a Dupont manufacturing division.   After world war II the USA sent a working party to Japan to assist in reconstruction following the devastating blows of the two atomic bombs that ended the war in the East.

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No Problem, No Development!

So, what was the last thing you learnt to do?  Chances are, whatever it was, you will have learnt it to solve a problem.  Even those things that are in the realm of hobby or interest, it’s likely you were still solving a problem.  Take for example ‘learning a new language’ there’s a problem, you cant speak that language yet and you want to for any number of reasons.

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Function or performance which needs to come first?

Some things we assume or take for granted turn out to be incredibly complex.  Take the example of a formula one race.  We take it for granted that for 2 hours on a Sunday twenty plus cars will show up and compete for the podium.  Yet when we stop and think about it the amount of things that have got to coincide just to turn up, let alone win consistently, is enormous.

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Why compassion must be our guide as we return to work

It’s almost unbelievable to think that we have now reached a year since the first national lockdown. Not because it’s gone so quickly, but because it hasn’t! We are now a year into this rather extreme social experiment; what happens when you remove all “unnecessary” social contact, almost all leisure sport and exercise, all avoidable travel, and dictate that people must live and work in their homes indefinitely amidst a constant and grinding narrative of danger and judgement.

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Hybrid Working – Creating the same experience for all.

As we move out of bulk remote working into a hybrid remote approach, there are a number of significant things to reconsider.  One of these issues is the potential of your hybrid groups to have very different work experiences.  Working at parity of team experience needs to take place on a number of different fronts, but here are three areas to start with.

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