Three reasons positive feedback matters

What’s all the fuss around giving people praise, especially if they are only doing what’s expected of them?   Sometimes we managers can get ourselves into a really unhelpful way of thinking.  Perhaps it’s because we feel we mustn’t ‘over-do’ the praise of our staff.

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3 weeks to the Festival of Work 2019 at London Olympia

Three week to go before the festival of work kicks off.  We've a brand new stand to show off this year, although we did have a few problems trying it out in the office!  iManage 1, light fitting 0! We've just been granted a speakers slot too, so if you're there on the Thursday (13th June 2019) come to the Learning and Development stage for 1045hr to see Bob present on 'Designing learning solutions for remote/virtual team managers and workers.

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VTMT – The simplest way in the world to write a SMART objective.

Most people seem to have heard of the SMART objective. An acronym to help you have all the correct ingredients when crafting an objective. There are loads of different versions of it too, my favourite being: Specific, Measurable, Awesome, Ridiculous and Time-bound ;-) But the traditional amongst us may be more familiar with Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Time-bound.

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The only three reasons you need a presentation slide!

Is it possible that the presentation slide has become the nail in the coffin of good presentation?  A rhetorical question, but just in case you are wondering, I think the answer is yes!  If we wound back the clock a few decades to when I was a young lad in the workplace, PowerPoint never existed, no really.

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Stop managing, start leading!

We work with a lot of managers, literally thousands of them over the years from all walks of organisational life.  One of the big things we always find ourselves addressing is the tendency to succumb to the gravitational pull of activity.  The stuff that keeps managers buried in the day to day operations and therefore failing to get some height and lead their teams.

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Influencing skills – it’s in the minutiae

Being able to increase your level of influence in almost any situation puts you in a position of advantage.  What most people don’t realise is that influence in business seldom occurs in a single instance, it’s in the many interactions that bring about the outcome.

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