Train the trainer courses across Sussex, London & UK

Internal training is becoming more popular especially in niche specific areas particular to an organisation and its culture where an external trainer will not be knowledgeable enough. But like management, many people are tasked with training based on accrued experience without having adequate training. Successful training requires more than just knowledge. How you construct and manage the session is key to the overall learning experience. People also learn in different ways which should be reflected in your approach.

This short but immersive course leads acts an introduction to training and will allow you optimise the learning outcomes for your audience and give you confidence. You will be able to set up internal training more effectively and create a learning culture in your organisation.


Course content

  • The basics of training
  • Setting up for success
  • The learning process
  • Stages of learning
  • Learning styles
  • Training design
  • Structuring
  • Design content
  • Delivery and evaluation
  • Training delivery
  • Assessing learning

Train the Trainer Courses FAQs

Do I need to have previous training experience to attend the train the trainer course?

Previous experience is helpful but not at all necessary for attendance on this course.

Will I be able to design and deliver training having attended this course?

Absolutely. You will learn how to design and organise training content and learn how to deliver great training from start to finish.


Who Is This Course For?

For anyone that needs to build and deliver any type of face to face training intervention for their organisation.

What Will You Learn?

  • What makes good trainers and training
  • How to set an event up for success
  • Differences between training and coaching
  • How people learn and how to produce a course that appeals to all types of learners
  • How to divide content to produce a helpful course structure
  • How to train practical skills & facilitate effectively
  • How to assess delegate performance and give motivational feedback

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