Managing in the New Normal – The Five Key Challenges for Leaders in 2024

The business world is undergoing rapid transformation, accelerated by the COVID-19 pandemic. Remote work, digitalisation, emerging technologies, shifting demographics, and changing employee expectations are redefining the workplace. 

This new normal presents fresh challenges for managers as traditional ways of working, leading and developing teams no longer suffice. Managers today need to be agile, empathetic, tech-savvy, and focused on supporting the holistic needs of employees.

In this series of posts below, I share my insights on navigating key management challenges that leaders will likely face in 2024 and beyond:

– Managing remote and hybrid work arrangements

– Adopting new technologies  

– Fostering diversity, equity and inclusion

– Promoting mental health and wellbeing

– Upskilling the workforce

The business landscape will continue evolving rapidly. As a leader, being proactive in developing new management strategies across these critical areas will be vital to guide your team through the uncertainties ahead while future-proofing your organisation for sustainable success. 

I hope you find these posts useful perspective on leadership in the new normal. What emerging management challenges are you seeing? Please share your thoughts and experiences in the comments!

1. Managing Remote and Hybrid Teams in 2024

The COVID-19 pandemic forced many organisations to embrace remote work out of necessity. As we move into 2024, remote and hybrid work models are here to stay as employees appreciate the flexibility and work-life balance these arrangements provide. 

However, managing teams that are fully or partially remote requires an evolution in management strategies. As a manager, how do you keep hybrid and remote teams engaged, aligned, and productive? Here are some tips:

Set Clear Expectations

With employees spread across locations, it’s important to establish clear expectations around working hours, availability, response times, and productivity targets. Create guidelines for your team around core hours for meetings and collaborations as well as norms for communicating after traditional working hours.

Communicate Frequently

Don’t let remote employees feel disconnected. Over-communicate through regular team calls, 1:1 check-ins, instant messaging, and collaboration platforms. Share company news and team wins to foster inclusion. Be transparent in decision making.

Build a Digital Culture

Actively create team rituals that build culture remotely – celebrate birthdays and work anniversaries virtually, have regular informal video chats, use collaboration software like Slack channels for water cooler chat, and leverage team building activities digitally.

Empower and Trust

Resist the urge to micromanage remote employees. Empower them with information and trust their ability to get work done flexibly.judge them on deliverables and outcomes rather than time logged in. Offer them autonomy but also provide support when needed.

Invest in the Right Tools

Ensure employees have access to devices, software, cloud solutions, and technology that enables seamless communication and collaboration. Provide stipends or reimbursements for remote work setup. Prioritise cybersecurity as well. 

The future of work is remote and hybrid arrangements. While this requires a shift in management mindset, with the right strategies managers can keep distributed teams working cohesively for shared success. The focus is on flexibility coupled with accountability.

2.  Managing the Adoption of Emerging Technologies in 2024

Disruptive technologies like artificial intelligence, automation, virtual reality and advanced data analytics are transforming how business is done. As a manager, how can you harness these emerging technologies to augment your team rather than replace them? Here are some tips:

Get up to Speed on Technology Trends

As a manager, you need to continuously educate yourself on technological advancements and understand how they apply to your business. Attend conferences, read industry publications, take online courses and engage with experts to stay on top of leading-edge technologies and their use cases. 

Involve Employees in Implementation

When looking to adopt new technologies, involve impacted employees early in the evaluation and implementation process. Get their input to understand how the tech can make them more productive. Address their concerns. Fostering enthusiasm will drive engagement and adoption.

Focus on Augmentation Over Automation

Look to leverage technology to take over repetitive, dangerous or low value tasks, freeing up employees to focus on higher ROI work that requires human skills and judgment. The goal is enhancing human potential through tech augmentation versus wholesale replacement through automation.

Reskill Employees

Assess how new technologies impact existing roles and skills gaps that may arise. Provide comprehensive retraining programs to upskill employees and prepare them to work alongside smart machines. Reskilling also helps retention when displacing technologies are introduced. 

Develop an Innovation Culture

Encourage an agile, fail-fast experimental culture when evaluating emerging tech. Provide test environments and prototypes for employees to collaboratively try new tech tools and develop new processes that optimise human-machine collaboration.

The workplace of the future will look very different. As a manager, you play a key role in ensuring your team leverages technology in a way that drives sustainable innovation and competitive advantage, while retaining the human touch.

3. Cultivating a Diverse, Equitable and Inclusive Culture in 2024 

Diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) in the workplace is receiving greater emphasis today from leadership, employees, shareholders and customers alike. As a manager, you play an integral role in cultivating a diverse, equitable and inclusive culture on your team. Here are some ways to promote DEI as a leader:

Foster Psychological Safety

Ensure employees feel safe to express their views and be their authentic selves at work. Make it clear prejudice and discrimination will not be tolerated. Lead by example by being open-minded, respectful and non-judgemental in your interactions.

Mitigate Unconscious Bias  

We all have unconscious biases. Strive to be aware of your own biases and don’t let them impact hiring, promotions, assignments and development opportunities. Introduce bias mitigation training and implement practices like blind resume screening.

Model Inclusive Behaviours

Demonstrate through your words and actions what inclusivity looks like. For example, recognize diverse contributions publicly, give credit where due, and make sure diverse voices are heard in brainstorming and decision making.

Offer Equal Access to Opportunities

Ensure everyone has fair and equal access to leadership roles, special projects, mentoring and sponsorship programs, stretch assignments, flexible work options and learning & development resources. 

Hold Leaders Accountable 

Evaluate leaders’ performance on DEI metrics like improving team diversity, employee engagement scores of minority groups, inclusive hiring rates, and attendance in anti-bias training. Tie DEI results to rewards.

DEI is not just an HR issue, but a business growth and performance imperative. As a leader, doubling down on your commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion in 2024 can future-proof your culture and drive innovation and results.

4. Promoting Mental Health and Wellbeing in the Workplace

The COVID-19 pandemic brought employee mental health and wellbeing to the forefront. With heightened stress, anxiety, and burnout, organisations recognise the imperative of supporting mental health – for performance as well as humanitarian reasons. As a manager, how can you cultivate an environment that nurtures mental health and resilience?

De-stigmatise Mental Health 

Promote open conversations about mental health on your team. Share your own experiences and encourage employees to come forward to discuss any struggles confidentially. Make mental health services accessible.

Watch for Warning Signs

Be alert for indicators of mental health issues like absenteeism, fatigue, irritability or changes in work performance. Check in with the employee, voice concern, and point them to resources. Protect privacy but get them help.

Offer Flexibility and Empathy 

Accommodate needs like flexible schedules, reduced hours or time off for those facing mental health challenges. Offer empathy and compassion in your interactions and manage with their wellbeing in mind. 

Encourage Work-Life Balance

Set boundaries around after-hours work and urge employees to take vacation time to unwind and recharge. Lead by example by maintaining your own work-life balance.

Promote Self-Care and Resilience  

Share tips and resources to build resilience and practice self-care. Encourage activities like exercise, meditation, therapy, and maintaining social connections. A resilient team is better equipped to handle stress and change.

Make mental health a priority going forward. In 2024 and beyond, caring, people-centric leaders who show empathy, flexibility and compassion will be best positioned to manage the human side of work.

5. Upskilling Employees for the Future of Work 

The pace of change today is faster than ever. Emerging technologies, automation, globalisation, and shifting market conditions are rapidly rendering existing skills obsolete. As a manager, you play a key role in ensuring your team continuously builds skills to stay relevant into the future. Here are some tips:

Conduct Skills Assessments 

Regularly analyse current and future skill requirements for roles versus existing capabilities. Identify hard and soft skill gaps that need to be addressed through upskilling and reskilling programs.

Provide Access to Learning 

Offer ample learning and development resources, both onsite and online, to help employees gain new skills. Support multi-disciplinary learning by subsidising external courses and conferences as well. 

Offer Multi-Modal Learning 

Combine different learning approaches – instruction-based training, peer-to-peer mentoring, stretch assignments, lunch-and-learn workshops, hackathons and more. Apprenticeship models and job rotations also build experience.

Incentivise Continuous Learning

Provide monetary rewards and additional vacation time for completing training certifications. Gamify learning and celebrate upgrades publicly. Lead by example by learning new skills yourself.  

Frequent upskilling and reskilling will be key for organisations to keep pace with the speed of change in 2024 and beyond. As a leader, doubling down on capability building also improves engagement, retention and succession planning.


The workplace is changing faster than ever before. As we look ahead to 2024, managers will need to embrace new strategies and styles of leadership to guide their teams through this era of rapid transformation. While these management challenges may seem daunting, by focusing on transparent communication, empathy, agility, capability building and harnessing technology to augment human potential, leaders can position their people and organisations for sustainable success. 

The future competitive advantage will go to those that invest in developing an engaged, high-performing workforce and foster a culture focused on innovation, diversity, wellbeing and continuous learning. Now is the time for managers to step up and lead their teams into the new normal.