Facilitation skills

Taking its literal meaning, facilitation means ‘making things easy’ and this course certainly aims to do that. Great facilitation has many uses in management. It can be the catalyst of great meetings, collaborations, appraisals and projects. Facilitation can benefit any interaction.

A great facilitator identifies and teases out successful outcomes, ensuring that all viewpoints are considered and aired. Done well, good facilitation brings out the potential in people and allows outcomes to be better than expected.

It is closely paired with coaching but remains a distinct skill.

This facilitation skills course defines the skills required and leads the learner through typical scenarios. It introduces various proven techniques and pairs them with real world scenarios that our experienced trainers have worked in; each one having spent some time in their career as professional facilitators.

This is a highly practical course and includes plenty of chances to practice new-found skills.



  • What is facilitation?
  • A definition of facilitation and how it can be used
  • The facilitation process
  • Using key steps. Process vs content
  • Facilitation methods
  • Choosing the right style at the right time
  • Handling problems
  • How to handle difficult situations and people

How much is this course?

Our courses are designed for you the client, which means that the pricing structure is also specific for you the client. We work with huge and tiny companies, always finding appropriate pricing models for each of them.

Do you use powerpoint for your courses?

Our training courses are highly engaging and designed to challenge you to think and act. We don’t believe a powerpoint presentation delivers this, so we never use it for any of our courses.

What resources will I receive on your courses?

All attendees will receive professionally printed A5 workbooks covering every aspect of the training delivered. These make a great reference resource for the future and can be supplied in electronic format too.

How experienced are your trainers?

All of our trainers come with many years of real world operational experience. They are able to bring maturity of thinking and the experience of real life situations into the training room.


Who Is This Course For?

This course if for anyone tasked with interacting with people and trying to make things easier.

What Will You Learn?

  • The role of the facilitator
  • Practical skills needed for various situations
  • Learn how to separate process from content
  • Confidence to handle different types of behaviour and personalities in the group
  • Basic problem solving techniques
  • How to utilise left and right brain thinking
  • Practice facilitation in a safe environment
  • Intervention techniques

Latest Facilitation Resources and Guidance

How Working from home can give you 20 days of personal investment! 

This week we are exhibiting at the first ever ‘Working From Home Show’ all without a single minute of commute time.   Every week now we are receiving calls from companies that are talking to us about changing the status quo and adapting to more home working following the global experiment of the past 5 months.

Influencing skills – it’s in the minutiae

Being able to increase your level of influence in almost any situation puts you in a position of advantage.  What most people don’t realise is that influence in business seldom occurs in a single instance, it’s in the many interactions that bring about the outcome.