The Commercial Savvy Manager’s Playbook

Alright, you savvy business maestros, listen up! Today, we're dishing out the juicy secrets to becoming a bona fide commercial dynamo. Because let's face it, having a sharp commercial mindset isn't just a nice-to-have – it's an absolute game-changer in the corporate arena.

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Change is Inevitable, Embrace the Rollercoaster!

Let's be honest, change can be a real kick in the pants - unsettling, scary and often unwelcome. Whether it's a big corporate restructuring, a new system implementation, or just Adnan from accounts leaving for a better job, change disrupts the delicate equilibrium we've worked so hard to create.

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The High Price of Authentic Values (And Why It’s Worth Paying)

Let's be honest, when was the last time you really thought about your organisation's values? I'm talking about truly unpacking what they mean, what they cost, and whether they're actually driving the behaviours you want to see. Too often, organisations fall into the trap of confusing values with behaviours, listing out nice-sounding words like "integrity," "teamwork," and "excellence" without much substance behind them.

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