Sleep well?

Sleep is an essential function of the human body, yet many of us struggle with getting enough quality sleep each night. In today's fast-paced world, it's all too easy to sacrifice sleep for work or social commitments. However, this is a mistake. Sleep is crucial for both physical and mental health, and not getting enough can have serious consequences.

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Are you stepping up into a new management role?

Hey there, congratulations on stepping up into management for the first time! It can be both exciting and nerve-wracking at the same time, but don't worry, you've got this! As a new manager, you have a lot on your plate, but with some hard work and dedication, you'll be able to lead your team to success.

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Don’t be concerned about challenging your team – it helps them learn!

Learning is an essential aspect of human development. It enables us to grow, progress, and adapt to changes in our environment. One of the key components of effective learning is challenge. In this blog post, we will discuss the importance of challenge in learning, provide academic references and statistics to support key points, apply the lessons to learning in the workplace, and provide three tips for application.

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Staying motivated when working from home.

Working from home has become the norm, with many employees enjoying the flexibility and convenience it offers. However, it can also be challenging to stay motivated and productive when working from home. In this blog post, we will discuss some practical techniques that can help you stay motivated and focused when working from home, backed up by academic references, statistics, and facts.

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The Influence of Managers on Employee Performance

Hey, are you a manager looking to improve the performance of your staff? Well, you're in luck! In this blog post, we'll be diving into the influence managers have over their staff's performance and providing you with some practical suggestions to take your leadership skills to the next level.

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Ten tips for online meetings

Welcome to the wonderful world of virtual meetings, where every meeting is just a click away! With the rise of remote work and the adoption of digital communication tools, online meetings have become a part of our daily routine. However, conducting online meetings can be a challenging task, especially if you are the one leading the meeting.

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Breaking habits is tricky, but far from impossible.

Habits are an integral part of our lives, shaping our daily routine and overall wellbeing. The habit loop consists of three essential components: a cue, a routine, and a reward. In simpler terms, habits are the actions we take in response to a trigger to receive a pleasurable outcome.

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