Effective report writing

Writing effective reports is a vital skill in today’s workplace. Important decisions are informed by reports but the sheer amount of communication in modern professional life means that only the best reports successfully cut through.

Whatever the purpose or regularity of your report, it is important that it is succinct and achieves precisely what you intended to convey.

In this one day course, we look at the purpose of our reports before considering their structure, tone, format and presentation. We will spend a lot of time thinking about how we should plan a report before we type anything; something that few of us do.

This is a practical session. We invite learners to come with something real that they can work on; either a draft of something that they regularly write or are tasked with creating from scratch. We then apply the lessons from the first half of the day to achieve great effective reports. We also build time in to practice. This is a valuable one day that results in greater confidence and more effective communications.


Effective Report Writing FAQs

How much is this course?

Our courses are designed for you the client, which means that the pricing structure is also specific for you the client. We work with huge and tiny companies, always finding appropriate pricing models for each of them.

Do you use powerpoint for your courses?

Our training courses are highly engaging and designed to challenge you to think and act. We don’t believe a powerpoint presentation delivers this, so we never use it for any of our courses.

What resources will I receive on your courses?

All attendees will receive professionally printed A5 workbooks covering every aspect of the training delivered. These make a great reference resource for the future and can be supplied in electronic format too.

How experienced are your trainers?

All of our trainers come with many years of real world operational experience. They are able to bring maturity of thinking and the experience of real life situations into the training room.


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