Leading By Serving: Why Servant Leadership is the Key to Better Management

We all know the stereotypical “boss” – barking orders, taking credit, and putting their own interests first without regard for their team. But in today’s modern workplace, this command-and-control style of management simply doesn’t cut it anymore. Employees want to be empowered, not controlled, and servant leadership is the way forward.

So what exactly is servant leadership? It’s a management philosophy that flips the typical hierarchy on its head. Instead of the manager being served by their team, the manager’s primary role is to serve their team members, helping them develop and perform at their best. Here are three reasons why embracing servant leadership is the key to being a better manager:

1. It creates a culture of trust and engagement.

With servant leadership, managers focus on understanding what their team members need to excel in their roles. They ask questions, actively listen, and seek to remove any obstacles standing in the way. This shows employees that their manager genuinely cares, building trust and strengthening relationships. Workers who feel trusted are much more engaged and willing to go the extra mile.

2. It develops employees to their full potential.

Servant leaders are constantly looking for ways to help their team members grow. They act as mentors, offering support and advice to help employees reach their career goals. Servant leaders also give credit where credit is due, allowing team members to take on leadership roles and shine. This emphasis on employee development leads to higher job satisfaction and greater retention.

3. It drives better results. 

With servant leadership, managers are deeply invested in making their team successful. This motivates them to provide all the tools, resources, and support their team needs to excel. And when employees feel empowered by a manager who cares for their wellbeing, they become highly motivated to deliver great work. The end result is a team that collaborates seamlessly to drive better collective results.

The days of arrogance and self-serving leadership are over. Managers who embrace servant leadership create winning cultures where employees are engaged, empowered, and performing at their peak. The servant leader’s mindset – serving their people rather than being served – fosters greater trust, growth, and performance. 

Here are 5 key pillars of a servant manager:

– Listening: Seeks to understand by actively listening to team members’ needs and concerns. 

– Empathy: Strives to empathise with employees’ perspectives and experiences.

– Healing: Helps employees overcome personal problems impacting work. 

– Awareness: Has self-awareness to understand their own strengths and weaknesses.

– Persuasion: Leads by example and persuasion, not formal authority.

So let servant leadership be your guiding philosophy. Make it all about your team, not you. The growth and success you’ll cultivate will be truly transformational. Will you rise up to this challenge? The time for servant leadership is now.