Understanding the Tenets of Inclusive Leadership

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Inclusive leadership is a leadership style that promotes diversity, equity, and inclusion in the workplace. It requires leaders to actively seek out and value different perspectives and experiences, creating a culture where all employees feel valued and included. Here I will discuss the key characteristics of inclusive leadership and why it is essential for organisational success.

  1. Empathy

Empathy is the ability to understand and share the feelings of others. Inclusive leaders have a deep understanding of their employees’ experiences and perspectives, and they actively work to create a culture where everyone feels heard and valued. They take the time to listen and understand the unique challenges that different employees face and use this knowledge to make informed decisions.

  1. Authenticity

Authenticity is about being true to oneself and leading with integrity. Inclusive leaders are genuine and transparent in their interactions with employees, which helps to build trust and credibility. They are comfortable admitting their mistakes and are open to feedback, which helps to create a culture of continuous improvement.

  1. Humility

Humility is the ability to recognise one’s limitations and weaknesses. Inclusive leaders understand that they do not have all the answers and are open to learning from others. They encourage collaboration and teamwork, and they are not afraid to ask for help when they need it.

  1. Courage

Courage is the willingness to take risks and speak up for what is right. Inclusive leaders have the courage to challenge the status quo and advocate for their employees. They are not afraid to have difficult conversations and address issues of discrimination or bias in the workplace.

  1. Commitment

Commitment is the dedication to achieving a goal or objective. Inclusive leaders are committed to creating a culture of diversity, equity, and inclusion in the workplace. They invest time and resources in developing staff understanding and behaviour,  to ensure that all employees have equal opportunities to succeed.

  1. Accountability

Accountability is taking responsibility for one’s actions and decisions. Inclusive leaders hold themselves and their teams accountable for creating a culture of inclusion. They set clear expectations and goals, provide feedback and support, and measure progress to ensure that they are making progress towards their objectives.

Inclusive leadership is not about forcing the same world views on everyone, which in fact would reduce diversity.  It is instead about building awareness of differences, being cognisant of unhelpful bias and living peacefully with those around us to bring about an inclusive environment where everyone can prosper.