The Three Biggest Issues Managers Are Facing in 2023 Are…

Image of a tired businesswoman working alone before deadline at the office in the night

Being a manager is no easy task, and each year brings its own unique set of challenges. As we delve into 2023, managers are grappling with a range of complex issues that demand their attention and strategic decision-making. In this blog, we will explore the three biggest issues that managers are facing this year, supported by relevant data and sources. So, let’s dive right in!

1. Navigating the Remote Work Transition:

The COVID-19 pandemic has significantly reshaped the workplace, accelerating the adoption of remote work across industries. While remote work offers various benefits such as increased flexibility and improved work-life balance, it also presents challenges for managers. Here are some key concerns they face:

a) Maintaining team cohesion: As teams work remotely, building and sustaining a sense of camaraderie becomes crucial. A survey conducted by Owl Labs (2022) found that 34% of managers struggle with fostering team collaboration and engagement in a remote setting.

b) Overcoming communication barriers: Effective communication lies at the heart of successful remote work. According to a report by Buffer (2021), 20% of remote workers consider communication and collaboration their biggest struggle, making it essential for managers to find efficient communication tools and strategies.

c) Ensuring productivity and accountability: Managers are challenged with monitoring employee performance and ensuring productivity in a remote work environment. A study by Gallup (2021) found that 29% of remote workers feel their manager does not effectively communicate expectations, leading to reduced performance and engagement.

2.  Adapting to Technological Advancements:

Rapid advancements in technology have transformed industries, and managers must stay abreast of the latest tools and trends to ensure their teams remain competitive. Here are some key technological challenges managers face:

a) Embracing automation and AI: Automation and artificial intelligence (AI) technologies are revolutionising business operations. A survey by McKinsey (2021) highlighted that 47% of managers struggle with understanding and integrating automation into their workflows effectively.

b) Data management and privacy: The proliferation of data presents both opportunities and challenges. Managers must navigate data management and privacy regulations while leveraging the insights data provides. A study by Gartner (2022) revealed that 38% of managers struggle with data governance and ensuring compliance.

c) Cybersecurity threats: With the increasing reliance on digital infrastructure, managers must be vigilant in safeguarding their organisations data and systems against cybersecurity threats. The Cybersecurity Ventures (2021) report estimates that cybercrime will cost the world $10.5 trillion annually by 2025, highlighting the importance of managers prioritising cybersecurity measures.

3.  Nurturing a Diverse and Inclusive Workforce:

Building a diverse and inclusive workforce has gained significant attention in recent years, but the journey is ongoing. Managers play a crucial role in creating an inclusive culture within their organisations. Here are some key challenges they face:

a) Overcoming unconscious bias: Unconscious biases can hinder the hiring and promotion processes, impacting diversity within teams. A study by Harvard Business Review (2019) showed that 45% of managers struggle with recognising and addressing unconscious bias.

b) Developing inclusive leadership: Inclusive leadership involves valuing and leveraging diverse perspectives. However, a survey by Deloitte (2021) found that only 19% of managers feel confident in their ability to lead diverse teams effectively, highlighting the need for additional training and support.

c) Retaining diverse talent: Managers need to create an inclusive environment that fosters employee satisfaction and retention. According to the McKinsey report “Diversity Wins” (2020), diverse and inclusive companies are 36% more likely to outperform their peers, emphasising the importance of retaining diverse talent.


As managers navigate the complexities of 2023, addressing the challenges of remote work, technological advancements, and diversity and inclusion will be paramount. By staying informed about these issues and actively seeking solutions, managers can guide their teams towards success in an ever-evolving business landscape.
