Blended Learning at Mars


The challenge

The challenge was to design a blended learning solution that would be delivered to senior sales professionals to support them in presenting to larger audiences. The solution needed to dove tail with Mars’ existing presentation skills course but not be positioned as an advanced course.

Instead it would address specific challenges such as:

  • How I help my voice – vocal coaching
  • Use pauses, tonal impact, pace of voice etc
  • Dealing with questions large audience
  • New techniques around press
  • Need responsive for device
  • Happy for us to provide JLMS
  • Don’t be too tied to the brief

The solution

The solution design included three parts:

  • An Initial pre-work eLearning module that would set the scene and assist the learner set SMART objectives for each element of the programme
  • Online prework to use a presentation planner module
  • A single day face to face workshop
  • A post event online presentation self critique log

Each element of the blended solution needed to fit together to create a powerful learning experience which would stretch already capable presenters to improve further. iManage listened very carefully to the brief and worked with the Mars L&D team to craft one learner journey that included a number of innovative approaches to the topic and to the learning method.  

This included professional vocal coaching to open up individuals understanding of what they were capable of; an online module that created a post event presentation log which attendees could use to assess their next 5 presentations. This allowed individual and management to review improvements and support the individuals as they monitored application of the learning.  This tool had a series of assessment questions to self evaluate each presentation and supplying them with reporting to show improvements and highlight continued areas of development.

The result

This blended solution lengthened the programme and number of interfaces with the learner by using a variety of styles / interventions.  Key learning outcomes were achieved by supporting experimentation in using the voice to great effect. It provided ‘take away’ exercises that attendees could use at any point in the future.  Individuals were able to build on their own authenticity to create interest and engagement in their presentations. The solution removed some of the fears associated with answering questions and dealing with technology failure whilst increasing attendee confidence in presenting.  

It provided a safe environment for trying out those new techniques and created a vehicle for live developmental feedback on subsequent presentations.